The information set out here is to help you understand how the Library is operating so that you are aware of any restrictions that might be in place when you are planning and undertaking your visit to the Library. The following information should prove helpful:
Tier 3 Announcement
With the recent announcement that West Yorkshire is to be placed under Tier 3 Covid-19 restrictions from Monday 2nd November, it is confirmed that The Leeds Library will continue to stay open to its Members during this period. The Library will only close if the Government instructs libraries or non-essential businesses to close either within West Yorkshire or nationally.
Covid-19 Secure Measures within the Library
We are able to remain open and function as a Library due to the Covid-19 secure measures that we have put in place to ensure the welfare of Members and staff at all times which include:
• the wearing of face coverings/ visors when in the Library. This is a mandatory requirement for all Members and staff.
• the respecting of social distancing measures in place throughout the Library. Signage and floor markings are positioned to provide clear guidance to assist you.
• a one-way system in effect throughout the Library. Therefore, at no point, should Library users have to walk past one another.
• signing in on arrival in the Library foyer so that the Library is compliant with Track and Trace requirements and has its own complete record. Additionally, posters are on display with the appropriate venue information allowing members to use the NHS Track and Trace App.
• the quarantining of all books that are returned to the Library, or those that are handled, for a 72-hour period before becoming available to use again.
• sanitiser stations positioned within each room of the Library, with Members requested to use sanitiser as they walk around the Library.
• a cleaning regime to ensure that all areas especially where Members have been seated are cleaned in a timely fashion.
• all doors being propped open when the Library is open to remove the need for Members to touch door handles, door frames or the exit button when leaving the Library, as much as is practicable.
• ensuring the Library is properly ventilated. Windows throughout the Library are open.
• the adjustment of opening and closing hours to ensure that staff and Members are not required to travel to and from the Library at rush hours.
• The Library staff team is operating the Library on a rota basis in teams of three to assist with social distancing measures in common work areas of the Library.
Coffee Corner and Face Coverings
We have in recent weeks opened up the Coffee Corner area of the Library for Members to be able to sit down and consume food and drink. Please note that face coverings may only be removed when you are actively eating or drinking and must be worn at all other times.
Remote Services and Events
We understand that for many Members, it is not possible or suitable for you to visit the Library now or in the coming weeks. As we want to be able to provide you with the best service we can whilst you are unable to visit us, we are investing further in our e-Books Library, postal loans service and delivery and collection service. It is also the reason for our long-term subscription to the PressReader service which enables Members to access over 6000 newspaper and magazine titles online.
Furthermore, the Library is committing to a number of online events which we will programme and host for Members to watch and engage with over the coming weeks and months.
For further details on everything here please call the Library during opening times on 0113 245 3071 or email counter services: