membership 2023 - REMOTE
membership 2023 - REMOTE

Remote (by Direct Debit)


PLEASE NOTE: This option is only for those who wish to spread the cost of their annual membership by paying quarterly or monthly by Direct Debit and covers the first quarter of membership only (Full cost for one year: £104).

If you would prefer to pay your fees in a lump sum please click here . On completion of your order, we will be in touch to arrange your Direct Debit instruction.

You will have full access to all digital services and be able to borrow up to 8 items at a time via our postal service at your own expense. You can borrow up to 8 items at any one time made up of the following: up to 5 in demand books, 5 not in demand books, 5 periodicals and 5 audio visual items at any one time. You can borrow most of our books published less than 100 years ago and there’s also a wealth of interesting resources to delve into.  For a full list of benefits for all categories see here.

You will be required to provide two forms of ID such as a recent utility bill and a driving licence.

Please note that membership runs from the first day of the month.



Product Description

You will have full access to all digital services and be able to borrow up to 8 items at a time via our postal service at your own expense.


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