Digital Academy Courses with The Idler

Throughout the Covid-19 crisis we have been looking at different ways in which we can extend our services to Library members at a time when it is just not possible for the Library to be open. These services have included the development of an eBooks Library, PressReader service, Drama Online subscription and also the development of a book delivery and collection service.

We are now pleased to announce that we are extending the online services for Members even further by giving all our Members access to a range of online learning courses courtesy of the Idler, a journal that in many represents the spirit of the Library.  Courses cover a range of subjects, many of which have a literary theme but also an eclectic range of interests and pastimes including bee keeping, philosophy, music making, cooking and calligraphy. To access this new service which is unique to the Library and provided by no other institution, please click on the link below to register:

To help you register for the service, click on the link below to watch a simple tutorial that has been produced for the benefit of Library Members:

We hope that you take up the chance of trying out a number of the unique courses on offer as they provide the perfect diversion in these lockdown times.

Speaking to the Shelves: Jane Eyre Creative Writing Workshop

Prior to the Covid-19 crisis, the Library had developed its successful and popular programme of Speaking to the Shelves writing workshops curated by local writer and Member Becky Cherriman on behalf of the Library. We have been keen to restart the workshops for several months, and we are happy to say that our first online workshop will take place on Sunday 7th February at 11am. The 90-minute workshop will be led by Becky and use the rich settings, motifs and themes of Charlotte Bronte’s much-loved Jane Eyre as a starting point for your own creative pieces whilst revisiting this classic novel from a new perspective.

Writers of prose, poetry, script or those new to writing are all welcome. This workshop will take place on Zoom. You may want to read or re-read Jane Eyre or Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys before the workshop, but this is not essential.

As this is the first time that the Library has delivered an online writing workshop, the session will be free. However, any donations to cover the costs would be gratefully received.  To register for the event and make a donation, please click on the link: or go to the events page of our website.

We hope that you take the opportunity to engage with one or more of the Idler courses or join us for the writing workshop with Becky.  If you would like details of any of the remote services that we are providing please visit our website, email the Library at or call the Library direct on 0113 245 3071 which will be staffed by the Library team between 10am to 2pm every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

Events at The Leeds Library
