Take a trip to Baker Street and spend Christmas with Sherlock Holmes in this engaging stage show starring award-winning actor Jonathan Goodwin as the famed detective. This original theatrical adaptation features the Conan Doyle classic ‘The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle’ and other festive delights!
Don’t Go Into the Cellar theatre company bring you the Victorian and Edwardian eras’ finest thrilling and chilling tales – so leave this weary, workaday world behind, and join us in the most atmospheric of surroundings for some old-fashioned tales that will leave you on the edge of your seat.
A note about accessibility – Unfortunately, our Grade II* listed building is not currently fully accessible. We have a stair lift from the ground floor foyer to the first floor but are unable to install a through-floor lift due to the building’s historic status. Please email us on if you have any questions around access, and we will do everything that we can to accommodate you.
The Leeds Library is committed to making its building and collections accessible to everyone in our current capital building works project The Next Chapter Project. To find out more, please visit the website HERE.
Date and Time
Sun, December 10, 2023
7:00 pm - 9:00 pm
The Leeds Library
18 Commercial Street
United Kingdom