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Nowt But Verse with Hannah Stone and Peter Spafford

by The Leeds Library


Hannah Stone’s guest for Nowt but Verse on Friday 7th August is Peter Spafford. Peter describes himself as a writer, musician, broadcaster and organiser. He has written for theatre, radio (both local and national), musical theatre, TV and opera. His plays have been performed in theatres, cathedrals, museums, arts centres, day centres, prisons, schools, piazzas, and in the woods. His first collection of poetry, Quick came out in 2016. His next, with Yaffle, comes out in 2021. Most notably he is Director of Words at Chapel FM local radio, where he runs festivals as well as weekly events and facilitates music and spoken word within the local communities of East Leeds. Find out more about Peter here: https://www.peterspafford.com/

To book your place, register here on Eventbrite and you will be emailed a Zoom link to the event on Thursday 6th August. This event will start at 1pm with around 40 minutes of conversation between the poets followed by 10 mins of questions from the audience with no open mic.

This is a free event with an option to donate with all proceeds going to the Leeds Library.

Future dates will be 28th August with Pam Scobie.; 25th September, guest tba.

Date and Time

Fri, August 7, 2020

1:00 pm - 2:00 pm


The Leeds Library

18 Commercial Street
Leeds, England LS1 6AL United Kingdom

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Events at The Leeds Library
