Annual General Meeting Of The Members Of The Leeds Library – Saturday 26th June 2021 at 2pm.
The Twelfth ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF THE MEMBERS OF THE LEEDS LIBRARY will be held in the Leeds Library, Commercial Street, Leeds and by Zoom, on Saturday 26th June 2021 at 2pm.
The agenda and papers for the meeting will be sent out nearer the date.
Trustee Nominations
Any Member of the Library wishing to stand as a trustee must be nominated not less than fourteen days before the date of the meeting and give his or her consent to the nomination. Nominations should be received by the Chief Executive Officer, using the form which can be accessed by the link below, by 11.00am on Friday 11th June 2021.
A Member may nominate themselves. Voting papers for the election of the Library Trustees, if needed, will be sent out to Members following the deadline for submission of nominations for election.
To give all our Members the opportunity to attend the AGM we will be running a mixed media AGM where you can choose to attend in person or via Zoom.
Any Member intending to come to the Annual General Meeting in person must register in advance as the Library has limited seats. Any Member wishing to attend by Zoom should send a request to receive an invitation to the meeting.
To register for either option please either email wests@theleedslibrary.org.uk or telephone the Library on 0113 2453071, giving your name, membership number and contact telephone number.
Date and Time
Sat, June 26, 2021
2:00 pm - 4:00 pm
The Leeds Library
18 Commercial Street
United Kingdom