Dr Shahed Yousaf on his harrowing, humorous and hard-hitting insight into life behind bars from a prison GP
Part of Leeds Lit Fest.
Dr Shahed Yousaf spends his time running between emergencies – from overdoses to assaults, from cell fires to suicides – with one hand perpetually hovering over the panic button. Being a prison doctor is not for the faint-hearted. Dr Y chooses not to ask what crimes his patients have committed – they are patients first and prisoners second
Shahed will be in conversation about his book Stitched Up. In the words of Kit de Waal: “Whatever you think you know about men in prison…Yousaf’s memoir will open your eyes and your heart and make you wish things were different.”
A note about accessibility – Unfortunately, our Grade II* listed building is not currently fully accessible. We have a stair lift from the ground floor foyer to the first floor but are unable to install a through-floor lift due to the building’s historic status. Please email us on enquiries@theleedslibrary.org.uk if you have any questions around access, and we will do everything that we can to accommodate you.
The Leeds Library is committed to making its building and collections accessible to everyone in our current capital building works project The Next Chapter Project. To find out more, please visit the website HERE.
Date and Time
Sun, March 5, 2023
4:00 pm - 5:00 pm
The Leeds Library
18 Commercial Street
United Kingdom